Mis comentarios son los siguientes: The short stories of Strawberry Fields are like beautiful and colorful blouses made of delicate chiffon——revealing. The stories reveal the compassion of a mother for her seven year old son who expresses anger for the family’s poverty. The stories reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Joaquín’s culture. The stories reveal the transformation of a young child becoming a man……a man appreciative of his raices. This is a book that crosses color and geographic boundaries. It is a book that will touch the soul of its reader.
I became part of the book as Ramirez described the unique things that many of us from South Texas can relate to, such as the use of talcum powder by our fathers after a shower, the reading of the Sunday paper in boxer shorts, the symphonic tunes of tortilla making, the discipline with a belt, the Saturday trips to Mexico, and the significance of going to “el norte” for married couples.
Thank you for allowing me to share my sentiments on this wonderful book. –Jose Ramirez Jr.